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$9.99 $4.99
Players: Single-player. Partial Controller Support.
Tags: Action. Adventure. Indie.
System: Windows. Mac.
13 hours
0 recent
My mouse hovered over this game as I was scrolling down to the bullet hell section of the Steam Golden Week sale page. The screenshots that popped up immediately caught my attention, both because of the type of game and its art style. For whatever reason,
4 hours
0 recent
불교관을 일차원적으로 잘 설명하는 게임이고 불교게임이어서 상징적인 게임이라고 생각함 그런데 컨텐츠랑 그래픽이 많이 부실함..
3 hours
0 recent
まず分類を言うとすれば地形で殺すタイプのシューティングゲームです。 各ステージの表と裏を切り替えて、『む』に圧し潰されてしまわないようにがんばります。 敵を倒す度に点数が上
3 hours
0 recent
シューティングとしてプレイすることと、世界観を味わうプレイで一挙両得。 難易度は、数時間程度のプレイで六道の巡礼をやり遂げるのは難しいと感じました。 ゲーム自体の肝は、切り
1 hours
0 recent
[url=]Crim's Humble Opinion Curator[/url] [h1]Perseverance Is Key[/h1] Maniyugi TOKOYO is a relentlessly hard shoot em up set in world that uses a journey around the Rokudo in order to reach the place of tru
1 hours
0 recent
地形で死ぬのがキツすぎて、六道をクリアした次の面で投げました。 常世にはたどり着けませんでした…。 PCエンジンでよくあったシューティングみたいな感じです。PCエンジンのシュー
0 hours
0 recent
Wow, this was a surprise release for me that I had no clue was coming out. I like it a lot! It's a weird hybrid two screen shmup that I assume was on 3ds. It has such a unique aesthetic and so much charm. Currently 4 of the 6 displayed levels down and thi
0 hours
0 recent
We got ENGLISH BABY go play this masterpiece now
0 hours
0 recent
Very unique but good shooter ported from the 3ds. Recommended for the cool different stage themes alone