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Yomi by hours played
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31 average hours
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106 reviews
Players: Single-player. Multi-player. Cross-Platform Multiplayer.
Tags: Indie. Strategy.
System: Windows. Mac. Linux.
14.6 days
0 recent
Might be the Emperor's New Clothes of card games but it took me a really, really long time to admit I didn't see the clothes so maybe that's good enough for a thumbs-up.
5.7 days
0 recent
This is a terrific game with prodigious depth that my husband and I have played in one form or another for a decade or so. Highly recommended, but be sure to read some guides for help with the learning curve.
1.2 days
0 recent
I don't play the AI much, but this has been totally worth it against friends online, especially during covid. 10/10
1.2 days
0 recent
Developer is taking down games that use a common Japanese word. Good game but real shitty of a dev to DMCA indie titles that have Yomi in their name; but scare away from AA and AAA developers who also share Yomi in their name.
23 hours
0 recent
I really like this game. I supported it before it was on steam. I have the physical card game. I sung the praises of this game to friends. But the lead developer is a whiny narcissistic crybaby who bullies other devs because he borrowed a word from Japan
19 hours
0 recent
Bellissimo e divertentissimo... Tornate a giocare!!!
11 hours
0 recent
Fun game!
9 hours
0 recent
dead game and unsupported by devs. yomi 2 will be no different.
8 hours
0 recent
Jogo bastante divertido de cartas onde cada personagem tem seu baralho próprio com habilidades, conheci quando assistia videos de board games no youtyube e descobri que havia a versão digital, fui logo conferir, estão lançando uma nova versão dele co
4 hours
0 recent
Hideous interface looking like a 00’s browser game. Online has long since died but AI and friends are viable. Useful tutorial. Cool characters with distinguishable play styles. Mechanics do a great job of emulating a fighting game using an attack, throw
4 hours
0 recent
This is the worst card game of all time. Don't ever waste your time on this heaping pile of garbage. The creator has no talent. That other free to play game he made was a lost cause. Don't bother picking this one up. Stop making video games you'd do this
3 hours
0 recent
[h1] BUYER BEWARE: Dead PVP Game [/h1] 2 players online on the same day isn't even a guarantee. If you desperately want to play this game, find an active server/forum/community [i] first. [/i] To play this game, YOU NEED to find others: the AI is so predi
2 hours
0 recent
A very clever card battler based around a very complex version of rock-paper-scissors. Each player, using characters with their own unique skills and perks, face-off in a series of individual rock-paper-scissor like encounters using a single card from th
1 hours
0 recent
Assez bon jeu qui se base sur le fait de deviner ce que l'adversaire va jouer pour le contrer selon le principe du pierre feuille ciseaux (le grab bat le bouclier/esquive, l'attaque bat le grab, le bouclier/esquive bat l'attaque). Tout l'intérêt du jeu
1 hours
0 recent
1 hours
0 recent
Very deep card game, competitive and comes complete without any collectible loot boxes or other CCG nonsense. That said, it is a little difficult to pick up. Digital game interface is so-so. Definitely worth a try.
0 hours
0 recent
Not for me
0 hours
0 recent
The UI text does not scale to the monitor. Due to the size of my monitors, I cannot read the tutorial text.
0 hours
0 recent
This game is bad and especially not good enough for the owner of the IP to be pulling the copyright abuse he is doing.
0 hours
0 recent
Developer is an asshole who preys on smaller developers and sends them a cease-and-desist just because they had the audacity of having the word "Yomi" in the name of their game. I definitely recommend playing Your Only Move Is Hustle (previously known as