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Zero Point

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53 reviews
Players: Single-player. VR Support.
Tags: Indie.
System: Windows.
14 hours
0 recent
It's all very interesting and cool and awesome. But not all of it is. Some parts are downright boring. But that's cool too, because I'm interested. And I like documentries... where people talk and talk and talk .... and then something happens that's minut
4 hours
0 recent
This is excellent. The buffalo scene is impressive.
1 hours
0 recent
This paired with the oculus rift DK2 is a great example of where the tech is headed. Can't wait for the HMDs and Video to get higher res.
1 hours
0 recent
Very disapointed in myself for buying this. Even at 5 dollars this was a waste of money. Performance issues galor in this thing. After reading multiple reviews about this not working properly I thought to myself Ill download the demo to see if it ran ok o
1 hours
0 recent
WARNING: Problems if your computer isn't a recently built gaming system Zero Point will not sync video and audio if your computer cannot run the video decoding at the full 75fps. If the decoding is not fast enough, the audio will keep running at full s
0 hours
0 recent
Prima esperienza con Oculus DK2. Sono rimasto, come del resto la maggior parte dell'utenza, completamente affascinato da questa fantastica esperienza. Una percezione dello spazio che mai avevo provato così da vicino. Dai paesaggi boschivi alle praterie
0 hours
0 recent
Great early attempt to create VR entertainment.
0 hours
0 recent
So I paid good money for this shitty video to support early VR. Now that I have a Vive I can't even watch it in VR.
0 hours
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док кино для окулуса про окулус, снятое на стерео камеры с шириком и сшитые в 360 (в идеале новый формат кино), но при покупке не дают посмотрет
0 hours
0 recent
very gud movie r8 8/8
0 hours
0 recent
Ok - so i had to downgrade to 0.4.4 to get this to run. Not the end of the world, but still, having to do that is unecessary. So - devs, update this asap to 0.7 or later. This is not a game (as one could have guessed), it is more of a documentary / tec
0 hours
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0 hours
0 recent
I don't recommend to buy it because it just doesn't work. It's weird that Steam lets some develpers to sell stuff that doesn't work.
0 hours
0 recent
Since I bought my Oculus Rift this is the best VR experience I had. Thanks!
0 hours
0 recent
Hard to recommend this. Really just a collection of videos, some 360 some just projected on surfaces much like any VR video player would do. Some 360 scenes are better than others, but they all suffer from low quality. Some have a good sense of 3d whereas
0 hours
0 recent
Pár hezkýz záběrů a jinak nuda.
0 hours
0 recent
$5 is a perfect price for this. Great way to catch up those who haven't been following VR very closely the past few years. Going to use as a demo for some VRgins. +1 for optional higher-res DLC.
0 hours
0 recent
This was more an ad pitch for Occulus Rift and VR in general than any sorta of film or experience. There is VR documentary style dialouge through the entire thing. Not sure this was really woth paying for. I had a better experience in the demo than the fu
0 hours
0 recent
картинка замыленная как 1200х720 могли бы и fullHD если не сняли то хотяб отрендерить, (увеличить)!
0 hours
0 recent
Could not even finish it, the start was cool with the animated 3D effect. the movie itself quality wise felt like i was watching a crt tv on my oculus. had to stop watching cause it was hurting my eyes.