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Zakantosh Cardgame

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5 average hours
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0 reviews
Players: Single-player.
Tags: Indie. RPG. Strategy.
System: Windows. Linux.
16 hours
0 recent
pretty fun. It is really good to kill time. EASY and COZY
1 hours
0 recent
TL;DR 3/10 - Overall ----------------- 3/10 - Gameplay 3/10 - Graphics 5/10 - Card Art 5/10 - Music 1/10 - Story/Writing You can tell this game is probably a passion project for one, or a small group, of developers. It's definitely amateurish. There are
0 hours
0 recent
Today, i tested the game and it was cool :D. (i actually got a chance to play it for free, because developer gave me a steam key with full access for FREE). So in this cardgame, you attack crystals (evil stuff) to save the world, and you actually dont ra