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60 reviews
Players: Single-player. Full controller support.
Tags: Indie. Simulation. Early Access.
System: Windows. Mac.
13 hours
0 recent
This is a lot of fun. So much potential. I would give the player a health bar and a few animals robots, things that can attack. Slider to control how many or none. If you die you just randomly spawn somewhere else. I like no quests. I guess I have not see
6 hours
0 recent
The controls are quite janky, though the visuals of the game are very nice, and that's also why it gets a thumbs up from me. The assets in the world invite you to think of your own stories and explore to your hearts content, made possible with the many a
6 hours
0 recent
Very fun game to just enjoy the world. The UI is a bit fidgety figuring out all the bits but I don't do too bad. Recommended.
4 hours
0 recent
I find this early access to be just that. You wonder what kind of quests or town building programming they will build into this most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my forty five years of playing right back to the Tandy Radio Shack 256k machines! To
3 hours
0 recent
ゲームというよりウォーキングシミュレーター 日本語はサポートされていませんとありますが実際には日本語選択できます 今の所できることはランダムに作成されるファンタジーっぽい世
3 hours
0 recent
Wilderless is beautiful and includes challenging platforming elements, and at the time of this review is incomplete but under active development. You can currently enjoy exploring interesting procedural-generated worlds in human player-character or selec
2 hours
0 recent
Wilderless is beautiful and peaceful and definitely full of wonderful potential. I love that it can appeal to any age and am already playing it, along with my young daughter. It is still in the very early days of being converted to PC and I know that th
2 hours
0 recent
2 hours
0 recent
After playing the game for a few hours , here's my take on the game . First off , there are no enemies in this game . There are dungeons , but they consist mostly of jumps and easy puzzles . This game is as advertised , that it's a very laid back game .
2 hours
0 recent
This is an Early Access Game at the time of writing this review. It can be a little clunky, as well as the other things one can expect from a game that is not fully polished, but if you want something to ease the stress, something that is not killing eve
1 hours
0 recent
This is a game that rewards curiosity. I walked into this game with the expectation of exploration, and was met with awe and wonder and sights that truly took my breath away. I loved the glimpse of someone else's imagination that I got to experience. I ha
1 hours
0 recent
it's a cute game but definitely in an early stage of development. i will wait for some more updates. it's promising. know that there are no enemies yet, nor is there a story. if you feel like wandering around and chill - go for it. night scenery is beaut
1 hours
0 recent
いろんな動物に変身しながら、自動生成されたマップをお散歩するゲームです 一番の特徴として、動物への変身がシームレスに行えることが挙げられます 鳥になり山を越え、馬になり草原
1 hours
0 recent
I like it. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.
0 hours
0 recent
dev needs to fix the controls its very bad!!
0 hours
0 recent
Based on the size of this open-world... world generator and walking sim, I thought that the screenshots are either fake, or improved in photoshop. But the developer did something magical here. :) We can create colorful distand lands changing the weather a
0 hours
0 recent
It's weird at first but if you stick with it you will see some really cool and random things.
0 hours
0 recent
add more clothes of girls plz!
0 hours
0 recent
I don't know what I was actually expecting this title to be. However, I can say with a fair bit of certainty that whatever this is, it is not what I thought it would be. For a game listed as "Stress-Free" walking and photography simulator, it caused far m
0 hours
0 recent
没有很多内容也很粗糙但是不贵 虽然steam只标了英语但其实有13种语言可选 但是13种语言不包括中文?? need chinese