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Wild Souls

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0 reviews
Players: Single-player.
Tags: Casual. Indie. Simulation. Early Access.
System: Windows.
10 hours
0 recent
as of right now (~3 weeks of release) the game can be "beaten" in 4-6 hours with the biggest hurdle being the "have 300 plants" quest. overall it's a nice relaxing thing to have on in the background while doing another task, though at the current price po
3 hours
0 recent
C'est mignon. J'aime bien. Et il parait qu'elle va ajouter des dragons. Bisou.
2 hours
0 recent
Dans Wild Souls, l'objectif est de prendre soin de son écosystème et le rendre prospère. C'est un jeu de gestion/simulation. Vous pouvez placer la végétation et les animaux comme bon vous semble, en essayant d'attendre le bon équilibre entre les cha
0 hours
0 recent
Very good game ! It's relaxing yet you easily get caught by the "building" aspect of the game ! Very interesting game mechanics, the future of this game looks bright. Cheers to the dev !
0 hours
0 recent
In the current state, I cannot say whether or not someone could play as the screensize is messed up for me, as I got a 5120x1440 montior size, and it doesn't fit the screen.
0 hours
0 recent
This is the worst game ever its just bad and dumb