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Zen Chess: Mate in Two by hours played
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Zen Chess: Mate in Two

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4 average hours
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45 reviews
Players: Single-player. Steam Achievements.
Tags: Casual. Strategy.
System: Windows. Mac.
1.1 days
0 recent
Tinha um quebra-cabeça que era em mate em 3 se as negras jogassem certo. Mas era mate em 2 porque eu precisava prever que ela iria errar... Fora isso. É um bom passa tempo.
14 hours
0 recent
Не сложные шахматные головоломки в 2 хода. Периодически ИИ делает нелогичные ходы, но не часто. Своих денег стоит.
4 hours
0 recent
The game loads fast and is to the point. The puzzles are interesting for me. I wish Zen Chess would be one platform instead of different games, so we can do a complicated puzzle then a few easy ones as palate cleanser.
4 hours
0 recent
Easy to recommend. Like its predecessor, Mate in One, this game is a very good puzzler. It's a pretty simple concept. Mate their king in Two Moves. Sometimes taxing but mellow. Relaxing music. There are a few little niggles, sometimes the game is very
3 hours
0 recent
Tenho um gatinho aqui. Amigos que tiverem passando podem fazer carinho dando like uma vez.         __       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     / 
3 hours
0 recent
3 hours
0 recent
Lots of great stuff here. pins, deflection, discovered check and even a checkmate or two. Sharpen your mind before playing online, or simply unwind and relax with Zen Chess.
2 hours
0 recent
I don't think I am learning chess at all, but solving puzzles is fun.
2 hours
0 recent
Some improvements on the first one have been made. E.g. a volume slider De-selecting pieces by attempting illegal moves or allowing more than one predetermined way to solve a puzzle are still missing. The issues of visibilty when it comes to white pieces
2 hours
0 recent
Slightly more challenging than Mate in One, but also felt shorter.
2 hours
0 recent
游戏由 150 个两步将死的国际象棋残局组成,所有的关卡都能在两步将死对面,找到这个解法,就构成了这个解谜游戏。 在以前学国际象棋时,最喜欢的也就是这种类似于解谜的残局谱 所有局
1 hours
0 recent
Buen entrenamiento táctico, aunque no se puedan apreciar mas de una variante y en algunos problemas las puede haber
1 hours
0 recent
tough not to recommend it at less than 1euro but the game really needs a lot of quality of life features to feel like a modern game. for instance you can move any piece anywhere on the board :eyeroll:
1 hours
0 recent
I enjoyed Zen Chess: Mate in One so I figured I'd pick this one up too but it's not nearly as good. Some puzzles have multiple solutions but they only accept the one they want to accept. Also, there's a handful of puzzles where the opponent makes a move t
1 hours
0 recent
The game felt too short. This game only had 150 levels compared to "Mate in One" which had 300. That game took me over 4 hours to complete while this one was just under 100 minutes. I like the concept of thinking ahead two moves to checkmate but surely th
1 hours
0 recent
As others have mentioned, there are often multiple solutions for some of these puzzles but you can only solve them in the way the game wants. So it is often a case of trial-and-error/brute forcing solutions. Also, I often find the first move of the two t
1 hours
1 recent
젠 체스 메이트 인 1과는 달리 소리 조절과 창모드가 생겼으나 sfx 음량 설정이 저장이 안된다. 퍼즐에 대해서는 일부 복수정답또한 인정해줘야 하지않나라는 생각이 들기는 하지만 괜찮은 편이
1 hours
0 recent
A player about 1200 ELO on chess.com can complete this game within 70 minutes. 一个chess.com的ELO分数在1200分左右的玩家可以在70分钟内通关这个游戏。
0 hours
0 recent
Horrible color schemes. Forced 16:9 ratio. Doesn't teach and only accepts one answer. Still, it's alright.
0 hours
0 recent
I bought this because I wanted to be able to trade Steam items, which gets locked if you don't buy anything for a year. Now this is one of the cheapest investments beside weird cheap Hentai trash. And in comparison to that, it's just wonderful. Others h